Cannes Lions 2025 zoekt jury

Dit is je kans om deel uit te maken van een internationaal erkende jury en bij te dragen aan de selectie van de beste creatieve werken wereldwijd. Meld jezelf (of je collega) aan als jurylid voor de Cannes Lions 2025. 


Important information:

  • You MUST be available for jury duty 16-20 June.
  • You MUST live and work in the Netherlands.
  • You MUST have won a Lions award (I'm more flexible with people from brands).
  • Please consider DEI in ALL its forms when entering. Cannes - Lions is committed to an equitable final jury.
  • Deadline: Monday 30 September, 17.00 CET.
  • Late submissions will not be read.

Cannes Lions Jury Categories:

  • Audio & Radio
  • Brand Experience & Activation
  • Creative B2B
  • Creative Business Transformation
  • Creative Commerce
  • Creative Data
  • Creative Effectiveness
  • Creative Strategy
  • Design
  • Direct
  • Digital Craft
  • Entertainment
  • Entertainment - Gaming
  • Entertainment - Music
  • Entertainment - Sport
  • Film
  • Film Craft
  • Glass: Award for Change
  • Health & Wellness
  • Industry Craft
  • Innovation
  • Luxury & Lifestyle
  • Media
  • Outdoor
  • Pharma
  • Print & Publishing
  • PR
  • Social & Influencer
  • Sustainable Development Goals

Juror Submission: Information required:

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Company activity (e.g., media owner, brand, production company)
  • Company type (e.g., freelance, entertainment, full-service, PR)
  • Agency network
  • Holding company
  • Remit (e.g., local, regional, global)
  • Email
  • Email of assistant
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Gender
  • Award category preference 1
  • Award category preference 2
  • Award category preference 3
  • Award category preference 4
  • Award category preference 5


Why should you be considered for this jury? What can you bring like no one else to each category (all jury categories must be represented)?

Bullet points are perfect - no essays required.
No CVs's - Max. 200 words.

Jury experience (since 2028 only):

  • Year
  • Awards jury
  • Category

Awards won (since 2018 only):

  • Year
  • Which competition
  • Grand Prix/Gold/Silver/Bronze
  • Category


  • Send your nomination to cannes[email protected] (you can nominate yourself.)
  • Word/Google doc only (NOT pdf).
  • 1 person submitted per document.
  • Deadline for COMPLETED submissions: Monday 30 September, 17.00 CET. Late submissions will not be read.
  • Photo NOT required.

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