IAB 2025 Outlook: A Snapshot into Ad Spend, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth
IAB is onderdeel van VIA, daarom delen we graag informatie en rapporten waar jij iets aan hebt. Dit keer is dat het rapport '2025 Outlook: A Snapshot into Ad Spend, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth. In dit rapport krijg je een inzicht in de ad spend trends en strategieën van 2025.
Het IAB zegt hier zelf over:
The 2025 Outlook: A Snapshot into Ad Spend, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth provides an in-depth look into ad spending trends and strategies for the year ahead. Insights include cross-platform measurement, generative AI adoption, and performance-focused investment. This report is essential for understanding brand and agency buyers’ growth strategies, channel spending forecasts, and anticipated challenges.
The report offers an early glimpse into ad spending trends for the coming year. The report is a must-read to gain and understanding of brand and agency buyers' growth strategies and the challenges they foresee.
The report covers:
- 2025 projections for the market overall and at the channel level
- Critical topics including cross-platform measurement, generative AI adoption, and performance-focused investment
Lees hier meer over het IAB rapport
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